2-Day Boot Camp:
How to Write the University of California Personal Insight Questions
- Learn what the UC schools are looking for
- My comprehensive UC PIQ Essay Revising Tool
- How to brainstorm, outline and write your 4 PIQ topics
- How to write a strong UC Activities & Honors List
- Live essay reviews and feedback
- Much more

What's the boot camp all about?
The University of California’s Personal Insight Questions can be challenging for a few reasons.
Not only will you be asked to choose only four from the eight possible questions, your essays will require personal reflection, reframing of experiences, and sharing information that helps set you apart from other students at your school - all within a limited word count.
It can be a lot.
That's why I put together this 2-day boot camp to give you the step-by-step guide you need to demystify the process and craft your best answers with more ease, purpose, and joy.
When is it?
• Session 1 (Brainstorming & Outlining): Saturday, November 16th
• Session 2 (Revising & Upleveling): Sunday, November 17th
Both sessions will be held at 2-4:00pm PT (5-7:00pm ET).
All sessions will be recorded and made available, just in case you miss a session or want to revisit anything we cover.
My Comprehensive UC PIQ Revising Tool
• 24+ video lessons you can dive into right away
• 20+ successful example PIQs covering all 8 PIQ options
• Comprehensive guides on Brainstorming, Writing, Revising, Upleveling, and Refining your PIQs
• Guidance on how to develop an outstanding UC Activites List
• Answers to your most common questions on the UC Personal Insight Questions

When you register for the boot camp, you’ll get access to the pre-work I’d like you to complete before our first session.
This will help you get the most out of our sessions we spend together.
(But hey, if you can’t get to the pre-work—still show up! You can do it in between sessions.)
Day 1 - Brainstorming and Outlining
• What the UCs are Looking for (understanding the 13 points of comprehensive review)
• How to Choose Your 4 Personal Insight Question (PIQ) Topics
• Feedback on Your PIQ Topic Ideas (AKA “Is This a Good Topic or Not?”)
• Why You Should Outline Your PIQs Before Writing
• 3 Structures You Can Use for Pretty Much Any UC PIQ
• Group Exercise: Brainstorming + Outlining a UC7 (Volunteer) PIQ Together
• Q&A on Anything You Like

Day 2 - Revising + Upleveling
• Editing your answers for "Flow"
• How to Make Your PIQs More Insightful (aka answer, “So what?”)
• How to Trim Words to Meet the 350-Word Count Limit
• Feedback on PIQ Drafts (I'll get to as many as I can)
• Q&A on Anything You Like
"Before this course, I had one extracurricular activity that overlapped in all four of my personal insight questions. Afterwards I was amazed how the BEABIES, Feelings and Needs exercise, and example essays helped me discover aspects of myself that I never thought I'd feel comfortable talking about. Now all four of my essays focus on different aspects of me which I'm proud of."
- Shazaib S, Student

Watch me review PIQs live
During each session, I’ll select a handful of Personal Insight Questions and Activities Lists to review live (you’ll learn how to submit once you register).
Heads-up: By submitting your work, you’re consenting to have me review your writing live. And I won’t be able to review everyone’s, though I’ll select drafts that I think will have relevance for the most students.
Who's leading the boot camp?
Ethan Sawyer is a nationally recognized college essay expert and sought-after speaker. Each year he helps thousands of students and counselors through his online courses, workshops, articles, products, and books, and works privately with a small number of students.
A graduate of Northwestern University, Ethan holds an MFA from UC Irvine and two counseling certificates. He lives in Los Angeles with his beautiful wife and their amazing daughter.

"My daughter had a bit of a struggle starting her college essays. Ethan’s resources, enthusiasm, and experience actually got her moving! I really appreciate the low price of this course. For us, Ethan’s support feels priceless. Highly recommended!"
- Emily S, Parent
All proceeds from registrations go towards the Matchlighters Scholars program.
That means all the money we raise from sign-ups will go towards helping low-income students receive free college essay help.
Thank you.
One Time Payment
- Learn what the UC schools are looking for
- How to choose your 4 PIQ topics
- How to outline your PIQs
- Live essay reviews and feedback
- Much more
- Only available for students from low-income families
- Simple income verification required
- Exactly the same course content